Safer Internet Day 2018

Posted on Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Today was Safer Internet Day and with thanks to the senior classroom, we had a very informative day!
This year we focused on wellbeing and time spent on screens. 5th and 6th class researched and presented a powepoint to the other classes in the school.  
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They looked at the long term effects of excessive screen time and gave recommendations and tips at the end. We had great discussion in all classes and have recommended these key guidelines: 

No Screens in Bedrooms, Ever!
On weekdays after school:
1. Eat
2. Do your homework
3. Do some exercise and your Supertroopers homework
Then and only if your parents allow, you may go on a device for a set time.
We recommend very little during the week and max 2 hours per day at weekends.



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